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Adventure - Guardian Valley UE5

After the project forest road, I immediately start to design this environment. Inspired by the game Sekiro Shadows die twice, its scene structure and ambiance made me want to do a similar style scene but with more of my own elements in it. Also, I learned a lot from William Faucher, great artist and also love to share the new tech.

Thanks for Unreal Epic pick my project and put it on News and Community Spotlight | April 20, 2023. It is truly a great honor. For that I did rendering one more time and fixed some lighting issue I have earlier. I wish people love my new design and lighting.

This is newest rendering (August) after fixing the lighting and some details on foliage.

This is newest rendering (August) after fixing the lighting and some details on foliage.

Old Version rendering on April, the idea is set but need a little more love lol

Old Version rendering on April, the idea is set but need a little more love lol